Ausstellungspool Wellnessmanufaktur 1

features without
This smart pool system leaves nothing to be desired.

  • Icon Schwimmer
    BADU Private
  • Icon Gegenstromanlage
    Counter-current system
  • Outdoor_Pool
    Outdoor pool
  • Poolsteuerung
    Pool control
  • Bayern, Deutschland
    Bavaria, Germany
  • Drehzahlgeregelte Poolpumpe
    Speed-controlled pool pump
Ausstellungspool Wellnessmanufaktur 5

Water is our element. Building a pool that is completely tailored to our needs was one of our best decisions and makes us happy every day.<<

The idea

When the couple from Bavaria retired, it was clear to them that the time had come for a pool that was entirely to their liking. Independence in terms of time, the opportunity to keep fit at home and state-of-the-art control options had long been the dream of the owners. They wanted a pool system in which the day-to-day tasks of pool water maintenance were as fully automated as possible. State-of-the-art pool technology with sophisticated features was therefore installed for a unique pool experience. "We didn't want to make any compromises and had the pool system built as comfortably as possible," explains the client, who has been practising her aqua fitness almost every day ever since.

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The implementation

One of the biggest challenges was the excavation - but the couple had experienced pool builders on hand who solved this supposed problem in no time at all. WellnessManufaktur GmbH from Weihenzell was responsible for planning, technology and execution and ensured that all components were implemented within the planned time frame. The 9.5 x 3.7 meter one-piece pool with skimmer, made of ceramic with carbon reinforcement, has a high compressive strength and stability. The pool system was completed with a winter-proof pool cover with a seating area, which blends in perfectly with the overall look. A fully automatic cover from T&A with a modulatable shaft was used here, which was clad with stone slabs. As a result, the pool water does not lose heat and water consumption is reduced by around 80 % due to the low evaporation rate. The pool is therefore ideally protected against the effects of the weather and contamination. Other features of the pool system include a counter-current system, an energy-efficient pool pump and a smart pool control system. All in all, an ultra-modern swimming pool that saves time and is operated with optimum energy efficiency thanks to the fully automated control system. For pool enjoyment with a clear conscience.

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We can enjoy our pool to the full every day. This investment has absolutely paid off for us.<<

The technology

The pool's technical equipment leaves nothing to be desired:

The BADU Blue Pro from SPECK Pumpen is used for pool control. With simple and smart operation, it not only enables the measurement and dosing of chlorine and pH care products, but also the control of lighting and pool covers. "The technology behind it is really easy to operate. My wife and I control the system via the app and know the water quality at all times, for example. The pool can be uncovered and the lighting switched on in no time at all," explains the owner enthusiastically. The pool equipment also includes the powerful BADU JET Turbo Pro counter-current system from SPECK Pumpen. With its flow-optimized and efficient propeller technology, the system achieves a volume flow of up to 350 m³/h and therefore makes even top athletes sweat. Seven different performance levels can be easily set using the integrated sensor buttons or remote control - allowing the couple not only to complete their fitness training, but also to do aqua gymnastics. The concept of sustainability also played an important role and led to the insulation being backfilled with "Thermaton" isobeton, a new type of liquid insulation for optimum heat storage. To further save energy, the BWT Eurostar HF Eco VS pool pump was installed, which is produced by SPECK Pumpen as an OEM product and adapts optimally to the respective operating conditions (filtering, heating, night operation, backwashing, etc.) thanks to its various operating modes. Thanks to these components, the environment and your wallet are protected despite using the pool all year round. All elements are operated via the smart pool control system.

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The pool builder

"We have the best job in the world, because we don't just fulfill wishes, we also make dreams come true," say Ralf Salmen and Sascha Dreßler, Managing Directors of WellnessManufaktur GmbH. The two pool builders are experts in sauna and swimming pool construction and are always available to their customers in the Nuremberg and Middle Franconia metropolitan region, from planning to implementation. In swimming pool construction, the two specialize in one-piece pools with fully automatic filter and dosing technology.