Prüfstand Gerald Lowsmile

Quality at SPECK

Quality with certainty - from product development to the customer.

Highest standards along the value chain

Quality is our top priority

This is our extremely high standard for all processes along our value chain. To ensure that our products and solutions are always of the highest quality, safety and reliability, we involve not only suppliers and the in-house technical laboratory, but also assembly, service and sales units as well as customers in our quality management.
This ensures that quality and safety-related activities are consistently planned, controlled and monitored. This enables us to meet the quality requirements of our customers as well as the applicable legal and official regulations.

3D Drucker

Our guidelines for quality

Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our customers are the focus of our daily activities.

Our aim is to fulfill customer requirements while taking effectiveness and efficiency into account and delivering a high-quality product on time.


Procurement and supplier selection

In the run-up to every new product development, we analyze the supplier environment and select the ideal project partners according to our requirements. Material tests and process controls ensure that all product requirements are met during the development phase.

Integration of suppliers

We support our suppliers in pursuing our common quality goals in a fair and open partnership. In this way, the entire supply chain achieves the highest level.

Our measures include:

  • Potential analyses
  • Process audits
  • Supplier evaluations


We use internal assembly audits to ensure that our products have the promised properties and run reliably over their entire service life without any failures.

In addition, all end products undergo a 100 percent inspection.

Dealing with errors

If a faulty component occurs during assembly, it is routed separately, the root cause is analyzed and the fault is rectified.

Our measures include

  • Internal process audits
  • Product audits
  • 5S audits
Technisches Labor

In-house technical laboratory

By conducting tests in our in-house technical laboratory before and during development, we ensure that materials and components can withstand the highest stresses and that the finished products function reliably. We attach great importance to maintaining the quality of the examinations, tests and calibrations carried out at the highest possible level, constantly improving them and identifying and eliminating weak points at an early stage.

Our laboratory tests include:

  • Functional tests
  • Material tests
  • Long-term/ageing tests
  • Optical measurement with 3D scanner
Qualität Förderung Qualitätsbewusstsein

Promotion of quality awareness

We ensure the qualification of our employees through continuous training and comprehensive information. Our managers are role models in the implementation of company-wide quality thinking. All employees are personally responsible for their contribution to quality.

3D Drücker

Continuous quality improvement

The constant improvement of work processes, working methods and the working environment is the driving force behind our quality. Our processes are continuously optimized in order to deliver high-quality products made in Germany on time