Frau mit Schutzbrille und Helm

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Are you at the start of your professional career and looking for an innovative yet secure employer?

We offer motivated talents first-class development opportunities and a lot of personal responsibility right from the start.

Berufseinsteiger Franziska Kutz

What our employees say

I joined SPECK during a 3-month internship as part of my inter-company retraining as an office management assistant and I am grateful for the opportunity to work for the company. Since my first day, I have appreciated the pleasant and informal working atmosphere and the fact that my wishes and concerns are always listened to and taken into account. I have come to know SPECK as an open and fair employer and I am very much looking forward to the future and the development opportunities.<<

Franziska Kutz, Sales Assistant BADU
Berufseinsteiger Alisa Rebmann

What our employees say

After successfully completing my training as an industrial clerk, I was given the opportunity to work at SPECK in my favorite department, Export. Here I can contribute my ideas and develop professionally.<<

Alisa Rebmann,Export
Berufseinsteiger Alexander Pflaum

What our employees say

After successfully completing my training as an industrial clerk, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to go full-time or study. SPECK gave me the opportunity to combine the two. I work 30 hours a week and have started a part-time degree course.<<

Alexander Pflaum,Industrial technology sales

Find the perfect job:

How to become part of the SPECK team



You can simply send your documents by e-mail send.

Alternatively, you can also send us your application documents by post. Please send your application to the following address: SPECK Pumpen Verkaufsgesellschaft GmbH, Stefan Dörr, Hauptstraße 3, 91233 Neunkirchen am Sand.

If you prefer personal contact, you can also bring your application directly to us and hand it in at reception. Once we have received your application documents, we will immediately send you a confirmation email and look forward to finding out more about you.


Get to know

We will check your application documents and get back to you as soon as possible. If we are impressed by your documents, we would like to get to know you personally and give you the opportunity to find out more about the position, the associated tasks and us. We will arrange with you individually whether the interview will take place on site or digitally. Depending on the nature of the position, further interviews and a trial working day on site may follow.


Contract offer

Once the position, motivation, salary and start date are clear, we will get back to you shortly with feedback on the selection process. If you and we are convinced that we are a perfect match, we will be happy to make you a contract offer.


Your start with SPECK

If in the end the decision is positive on both sides - your application has convinced us and you have chosen us - it's time to say: Welcome to the SPECK team! Now your individual induction, great colleagues and lots of exciting tasks await you.

Send your application today to:

SPECK Pumpen Verkaufsgesellschaft GmbH
Stefan Dörr
main street 3
91233 Neunkirchen am Sand

or by e-mail to